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Ho So: 1487093 Dang Ky Ho So Sua Chua Ho So Xem Thu Tu Tim Kiem Ho So Bao Cao Ho So Xau Trang Chinh

Direct Contact to kevin wardd

 kevin wardd - ID: 1487093
 Ten:  kevin wardd
 IP va Ngay: on August 10, 2020
 Sua Chua Ngay:  August 10, 2020 at 6:25pm
 Gioi Tinh:  Nam
 Tuoi:  50
 Chieu Cao:  5 Feet 8 Inches (173 cm)
 Can Nang:  145 lbs (66 kg)
 Than Hinh:  Average
 Tu Thanh Pho:  metairie
 Tieu Bang:  Louisiana
 Dat Nuoc:  United States
 Ton Giao:  Christian
 Hoc Van:  BA/BS (4 years college)
 Nghe Nghiep:  Business
 Hut Thuoc:  Non-smoker
 Uong Ruou:  Light/social drinker
 Gia Canh: Single
 Gio Ranh Roi:  Reading,hiking,camping and fishing.
 Toi La:  I would describe myself as a bit old school when it comes to courtship,my parents groomed me to be a gentleman always. I would say i'm pretty easy going and laid back at times. I don't take myself too seriously and believe that laughter is life's medicine... I'm optimistic in nature, goal setter,self motivated , interested in good values and morals. Very family oriented and understand that relationships are hard work and need nurturing from both sides. I'm passionate about traveling, fishing,theater,water sports,the arts movies ,sports , learning a new language.
 Tim Kiem:  Am looking for someone who is ready to settle down for a good and serious relationship that cn leads to marriage, someone who is caring and will do anything to make everything go right between us.

Tro Lai | Goi Thu Den kevin wardd (ID: 1487093)

Program made by: Quang T Le
Copyright ©2002, 2003, VietFun & VietSingle.